TagLauncher Direct Download Mediafire Download Free

TagLauncher Direct Download Mediafire

TagLauncher is a better way to classify your files and find them. Bytagging, you put files in virtual folders but files are not limited tobe in one of them. It means similar tags makes files similar, thereforefinding them will be easier.
Instead of using filenames as the search query, tags will be used. Theyare more meaningful and there is no limitation in their number. Besidetheir order is not important while in conventional search correct orderis important to find files. People remember related keywords aboutfiles easier therefor finding files will be faster and easier thanbefore.Much faster! because TagLauncher does not search by file names.There is no need to find files and compare search terms with them. Infact any search in this application takes less than a second to giveyou results.Search by tag is much more accurate than conventional filesearch because you always recall some tags about a file but the same isnot always correct about a filename or it's content. Search inside offiles is a solution but it's slow and is not as accurate as tagsbecause file content may not contain terms which may you remember abouta file like binary files (like movies, photos, executable and ...)

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